Kat Jackson

Lehigh Valley Copywriter

Copywriting for purposeful entrepreneurs & website designers

(914) 413-6592


Your Business is One Of A Kind

Give Your Offer A Voice that stands out

Position your business for excellence by defining your purpose, creating high-level, crystal-clear messaging, and tailoring your offer to serve the customers you care about.

Dive In

The Brand Message Intensive

Let's settle in for a chat. I've been described by friends as a “cozy” person. It’s how I want you to feel when you work with me. And it's exactly how I want you to feel when writing and speaking with your audience.

The Brand Message Intensive creates a powerful story and plan for your business by unpacking who you are, what you do, and why it matters.

The outcome is a clarified understanding of your customer’s needs, a sharpened and aligned presentation of your offer, and a Brand Messaging Guide that unifies your message across marketing platforms.

Because when you’re confident sharing your brand story in a way that’s foundationally familiar and easy for you - and completely relatable for your customers - it builds the kind of trust and engagement that sells.

Ready to Get Cozy with Your Messaging?

This is for you if

You're Ready to Launch

And need help pulling your faster-than-word ideas out of your mind and into a cohesive business strategy.

You Already Have a Business

And having a written guide will help your team keep the brand's tone and voice consistent and reliable for your audience.

You're Positioning for Growth

And wish to reframe your offer and messaging approach to align with your ideal customer's truest needs.

This Is For Me!

Hey, Passionate Leader!

I'm Kat, your brand messaging strategist.

Let me tell you something. Working with vibrant people like you is what makes copywriting so rewarding for me.

I love tapping into the spirit of your work and learning why it brings you joy. Why you give so generously from your heart and of your talents.

It answers how you tackle each day to serve the community you love. That kind of energy - which we're about to bottle together to share around - is the same kind that your customers want more of.

How It Works


You fill out a questionnaire to get your thoughts in a focused, creative space. We celebrate your service's defining attributes over a 60-90 minute video call.

Research & Writing

I re-listen to our call to catch the details. Then I research everything I can about your business, audience, and how you communicate. We stay in touch.


Delivery of your 30+ page Brand Messaging Guide! We set up a closing call and revisions to make sure you're totally happy with your written business story.

What You Get With The

Brand Message Intensive

Mission, Vision, Big Ideas

Brand statements that succinctly describe who you are, what you do, who you serve, and why.

Core Values

To define your internal guiding principles and public-facing commitment statements.

Brand Story

The intriguing, relatable backstory that explains your business foundations and why you're here.

Tone, Voice, Tagline

To create brand personality, grammatical styling to capture your voice, and catchphrases that sell.

Unique Selling Point

To precisely identify what sets you apart from other providers in your market.

Ideal Customer Understanding

So you can tailor your service to their exact desires and answer to common objections.

Customer Promise

To keep your stated commitment to your ideal customer at the heart of your plan.

Competitive Analysis

Analysis of how your competitors market their services and how you can stand out.

Signature Offer Breakdown

To shape your service offer and prep it for connection-minded conversion copywriting.

Content Pillars

To set a roadmap for content messaging that will engage readers and grow your authority.

What's The Investment For Your Brand?


For business clarity, brand voice, and a 30+ page plan for growth

Choose A Payment Plan That Works for You


REcording of Our 90-Min Strategy Call

Deep-Dive Exploration of Your Brand and Services

Contact With me throughout the process



Payment Options

1 payment of $1950

2 payments of $975

3 payments of $650

Get 10% Off Your Brand Message Intensive

Pairing your brand strategy with effective website copywriting sets you on the best path for accomplishing your big goals.

Combining friendly conversion copywriting and SEO strategy, I'm here to walk the next steps of your business journey with you! 

When you schedule a fully-customizable Website Intensive with your Brand Message Intensive, I'll honor a 10% discount on both.

I'm Here When You're Ready To:

Be heard by someone who cares enough about your vision and passion to write it down for you as an actionable keepsake.

Establish an engaging, visceral explanation of your business purpose that you can confidently communicate on paper, online, or in person.

Create a resource that will keep your brand voice consistent no matter who writes your content or where it’s communicated.

Build a solid foundation for your brand to take hold with your community and grow beyond you.

LEt's Go For It!

Other Brand Strategy
& Marketing Services

Maybe a full Brand Message Intensive isn't what you need right now. That's ok! We can still chat brand strategy while addressing other needs. I have plenty of options for you.

Let's Talk About It! >

Frequently Asked Brand Questions

What is brand copywriting?

Branding is about creating a cohesive image, feeling, and experience for brand recognition. It's ongoing in building loyalty with customers. Brand copywriting specializes in the tone, voice, and messaging area of branding.

Do you use storybrand strategy?

Yes! My approach starts with Donald Miller's acclaimed StoryBrand framework. Respected in the copywriting community, it reveals your business story in engaging, profitable ways. I've added my own flavor to the process!

Do you offer visual branding services?

Brand copywriting is my first love but I also have an eye for design. I'll pair your copy with attractive stock photos and I can help you choose colors and font pairings for any project. For higher level brand design, I can refer you to Lehigh Valley photographers and graphic designers.

How will my brand voice sound like me if you're the one writing it?

It’s all about research. I re-listen to our calls, read your social media posts top to bottom, and pay attention to the personality that's woven through your business. Because your business is about you as much as it is about people you serve!

Can the Brand Message Intensive be done as a team?

For established businesses, this is a great strategy for getting your leadership team on the same page with your vision for long-term messaging and growth.

How long does it take?

I have a limited number of openings for this service and recommend booking in advance to avoid a waitlist. Once we get started, you'll receive your Brand Messaging Guide about 3 weeks after our strategy call.

Book A Brand Message Intensive To

Reveal Your Magic

Get the most out of your business and build loyalty simply by being you as you sell the services your community needs.

Let's Do This!